Landlord Tenant Law
Whether you are are landlord or tenant, you should understand your rights and obligations under the Pennsylvania Landlord Tenant Act. Despite the guidance of the Act, you may find that your rights have been violated and you need a trusted attorney. Let us help you resolve your landlord tenant issue as quickly as possible.
Landlords - Leases, Eviction and Damages
Klett Law Offices can help protect your investment from the beginning of the lease process to the end. Before you begin leasing your property, you should educate yourself on Pennsylvania landlord tenant law, as well as all applicable county, city, municipality and borough ordinances. All landlords should make sure they are in compliance with the applicable laws before they relinquish possession of their property. We can help with any compliance questions before you lease your property. It is also very important for all landlords to have a well drafted lease tailored to your particular property and interests. Do not settle for computer generated leases or documents you find on the internet as they are typically not applicable to your state and city, let alone individual lease items like utilities, pets, snow removal, property inspection and general maintenance. We have years of experience drafting leases and do so in a quick and cost effective manner.
Even a healthy landlord tenant relationship can go deteriorate quickly. If your tenant fails to pay rent, violates the terms of the lease, or breaks the law, you may have the right to evict and collect past rent as well as damages. It is important for all landlords to strictly adhere to the eviction procedures, including proper paper filing and notice requirements. A landlord's failure to comply with these procedures can severely delay the eviction, costing you thousands of dollars each month. If you need to evict a tenant, recover past rent, or recoup money for damaged propery, hire an experienced attorney to advocate on your behalf and resolve the issues as quickly as possible.
Tenants - Leases, Eviction and Damages
Before you sign a lease, make sure that you understand all of the terms of the agreement. Pay attention to the fine print details as essential terms are often located in the small text. If you sign a lease, you are agreeing to the terms, even if you do not understand these terms! It's not your fault. Contractual language is intentionally difficult to decipher so that it can be used in favor of the party who prepared the contract. In this case, your landlord. Before signing a lease, the most important thing that you can do to protect yourself is to seek the advice of a knowledgeable contract attorney. Even if you think you understand the terms of the lease, it is still advisable to consult with an attorney to make sure the agreement is fair. Our attorneys can help you negotiate terms directly with your prospective landlord, or simply review the document and give its approval.
Is your landlord threating you with eviction? Please contact us to help resolve the disagreement. We can negotiate directly with your landlord and fight to maintain your residence under the lease. We can also help defend you in Court against a landlord attempting to recover excessive money from you for property damage.
Please feel free to contact us by email or call (412)353-3710.